Christ and the New Cultural Wave.

2024 Amazingly has marked a very important time in human history and collective culture.

With the official declaration of a post “covid world”, many are forced to face the depths of their own soul,

thus deepening their approach to life with personal inquiry.

This wave of over stimulating information from the information superhighway drew their attention 

towards , age old questions of the essence of existence , its core nature source and arbiters. 

Giving rise to new and wildly imaginative philosophies.

This new human condition has brought many to the point of collective disorientation and utter quandary.

Where the power of modern technologies are replacing faith and natural logic with magic and artificial intelligence(AI).

This coupled with Intelligent Augmentation(IA) and Augmented Reality(AR) the merger of man and machine.

All this towards some supposed singularity and symmetry.

Thus the spectrum of choice once again has become captive to wild imagination and assertions.

With many faces and facetries  that clouds good judgment and moral compunction , with deliberate optical illusions of machine intelligence and superiority.

Now they welcome the new age of the intelligent machine typeface, ” are you a robot? click boxes with bicycles”

the imaged beast of Revelation 13 vs (16-17) makes manifest as this tower of unholy power.

Interestingly all are expected to bow down , log on , click the link and give reverence to the beast, to become deeply immersed in the new cultural wave of Chat Gpt the devil’s playground. 

So many empty souls now seek answers from the insights of machines, ignoring traditional human to human

 faith based sources of light and inspiration. This new version of Ungodly cultural projection 

with its new norms expressing most passionately with its cyber sensitive, techno heads and coding wizards showing the ways of this magical beast of meta -physical  machine source coding. Enveloping and re-orienting traditions into a non-binary Godless genetic evolution.  

During the heights of the so-called Global pandemic, one of the most interesting of developments occurred in regards to the generations old institution of faith, the International Christian Church with all its power and influence was relegated to observe distancing and non-occupancy mandates and protocols just as every commercial enterprise. How have the mighty fallen or is it so? considering that the super-powered western cultures are all aligned geo-politically to a so-called Christian heritage experience and worldview.

 Now it seems the story of our collective fates are being argued to merit, by the intellect and wisdom of religious and spiritual influencers on all social media platforms. Offering up all manner  of cyber-age (manna) from the storage cloud engines ingeniously feeding this ravenous hunger for fast paced dopamine high information rush, the new addictive additive in modern human experience.  

Transhumanism at its birth rapidly learning and growing in its reach amongst the young and most vulnerable , inculcating all manner of blasphemy, pronouns pronouncing a new nonsensical senseless agenda bias. A woke generation of misguided souls crying out for meaning, purpose and identity.  Mind you it is true that in any fair assessment there must be an honest application of the complete facts gathered through proper reasoning, research and investigation, for wholesome and proper conclusions. The problem is there has been complicity amongst leaders of the major institution of faith mainly the Christian Churches concerning their roles in the most horrible of human experience, seemingly benefitting from the proceeds of international piracy and innumerable crimes against humanity. Including genocidal acts of extermination against many Aboriginal Peoples and Foreign nationals on our own lands here on the Continent of North and South America and the Atlantean Islands referred to as  the West Indies.  Crystal clear jewels of the old world destroyed by the many Papal Edicts , Dum Diversas and Papal Bulls ordered by Pope Nicholas V and subsequent Popes, under the doctrines of discovery giving prospective Ownership and Lordship to the so-called nobles of newly conquered Granada in Andalucia after the fall of the Moorish Empire in Europe. All the lands were appropriated by war and subterfuge , knighting the blood thirst and bloodlust of these so-called Christian explorers and conquistadors long before the modern christian missionaries. Starting with the voyages of Salvador Fernandes Zarco aka Cristobal Colon aka Christopher Colombus to the Americas, the heart of the ancient world. To plunder and pillage the wealth of our Lands and Peoples plunging our generations into sub-human bondage and oppression that lasted  in law for nearly 420 years.  

After emancipation the mental and spiritual state of well-being of the Israelite in Americas and the so-called West Indies , grew to re-acclimate our peoples to ancient truth and traditional knowing revealing our aboriginal identity in Christ Yashua, returning our spirits to the house of Israel , to the honor of our forebears of the twelve tribes of Israel. Refuting false doctrines and religious fallacies undoing the damage of kerygma and dogmas seeking to deeper assert the authenticity of the true faith and heritage of the Ancient house of Israel.

Between this juxtaposition a new age movement emerged to claim primacy of honor, the movement promised

deeper clarity of reason and purpose in faith, only to lead the unsuspecting towards a robotic neurotic states of apathy

Predicated on machines playing God across our interconnected world of the internet of things. Misguiding young impressionable minds and souls towards the incarnal flames of self annihilism.

In gathering our thoughts, how do we balance faith and reason with truth and inquiry?

When do we begin to draw the line on this most immoral thought process and behavior? 

How do we re-acclimate past dominant  patterns of faith, generations old , tried and proven effective in socializing the masses in the beatitudes and proper human conduct. ?  Will the spirit of Christ in principle once again become the principal quotient of collective custom and conduct?  Going yet further how may we recognise this beckoning call to ferverance of faith  expressing true authenticity?   Can we then say all hope is at a loss until Christ returns once again to rent and restore his beloved heritage amongst humanity ?  Can we once again put our faith to work and rally our souls, emotions and reason to the holiness of being ? 

It is truly my deepest heartfelt belief that we will grow together in awareness to acknowledge and accept that we truly are our brother’s sister’s keepers, honoring the divine statutes and natural commands towards completeness of spiritual nature. Once again I believe we will add value and quality of holiness in the human experience restoring our most sacred ways of fellowship and intercession for the amelioration of sin and the conditions of a fallen world. Truly being in the world not of the world. 

                                                                                                                              The Great Owl

Jerome Butler
Jerome Butler
Articles: 3

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